Year round vs Traditional

Because of our family’s love of and opportunities for traveling, we have chosen to school year round. This allows us to take off time whenever we need to without being tied down to a strict calendar schedule. After each Ambleside Online 12 week term (there are 3 terms in a year) we usually take a week or two break, but I don’t like my kids to have too long of breaks because they get out of the routine we have worked so hard to establish. I prefer frequent short breaks to longer ones. Even with all our travels, we still school considerably more days than public school students.

I also choose to keep track of records by calendar year rather than public academic year, simply because it is easier for me to keep a binder for 1 year rather than splitting across two years. Another advantage to schooling year round is that we can take holidays when public school is in session, which means less crowded attractions.