
Welcome! I’m Cari, mom to four (not so) little dudes and one spoiled princess who keep me busy every second of the day. I am wife to an amazing husband who is my best friend.

Together we enjoy traveling the world and sharing cultural experiences as we homeschool our children. We recently spent a couple years living in Germany and traveling throughout Europe visiting some of the amazing places that have shaped the history of our world. It was the ultimate homeschool adventure.

The awe my boys felt as they stood among the ruins of Rome or stared up at Michelangelo’s Sistine Chapel, the intrigue of walking through the Blue Mosque and the Hagia Sophia in Istanbul, the excitement of watching knights joust in Prauge or watching the launch of a trebuchet in England was absolutely priceless. The tulips of Holland, the Picasso museum in Barcelona, ancient cave drawings in southern France, the Parthenon in Athens. Not to mention countless castles, art museums and quaint villages. We saw history and art come alive as we explored these ancient cities and we gained a greater appreciation of other people and cultures as we struggled with languages and enjoyed delicious food. It was a marvelous experience and we can’t wait to go back.

We currently live in Japan and are enjoying experiencing all the unique adventures Asia has to offer.

We are believers in Jesus Christ and try to live an intentional life, doing our best to live each day to the fullest regardless of situations and circumstances and letting the grace of God lead us. Read about our journey from Mormonism to Christianity.

I spend what little free time I have reading classic literature (my favorite authors are Elizabeth Gaskell, Jane Austen and Charles Dickens).

Formerly blogging at An Intentional Life, our full-time travels and homeschooling left me with no time for blogging (such a hard life right?) I still have no time for blogging, however I constantly get questions from those who are interested in homeschooling since it’s kind of a passion of mine. I have no intention of becoming a full-time blogger again, however with the incredible amount of resources available, it can be quite difficult to navigate and find the basics of how to homeschool.

The purpose of this site is simply to provide an easy way for those interested in homeschooling or who are new to homeschooling, to learn all about homeschooling using the Charlotte Mason method. I also have to recommend what I find to be the most useful tool in teaching with Charlotte Mason methods- the Learning and Living: Homeschooling the Charlotte Mason Way DVD set. This is by far the best information I have found for practical, how-to information on implementing all of Miss Mason’s ideas. It’s one thing to read the methods, but quite another to SEE them. I can’t recommend these videos enough (by the way, many of the excerpts are free and I’ve embedded links to many of them in the how-to drop downs!)

I’m not enabling comments because I need this blog to take as little time away from my children as possible. However, if you have questions about homeschooling that I haven’t already answered, please feel free to send me a personal message and I’ll do my best to help!

Happy Homeschooling!
